The Morinville Historical & Cultural Society

 The Musée Morinville Museum is operated by the Morinville Historical & Cultural Society. For more information on the history of the Morinville Historical & Cultural Society and the Musée Morinville Museum, please click below.

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Mission & Vision Statements

The mission of the Morinville Historical & Cultural Society is: “Engaging the community in the preservation, education and celebration of our culture and heritage.”

The vision of the Morinville Historical & Cultural Society is: “To preserve for interpretive purposes, the culture, the historical facilities and the artifacts about the life and times of the people of Morinville and surrounding area, starting from its pioneer origins to its present and beyond.

To this end, the Morinville Historical & Cultural Society will endeavour to preserve the historical buildings and to acquire and display historical artifacts and documents in a manner that will encourage the use of our facilities and learn of our history and to maintain and foster community pride.”


Museum Coordinator:

Donna Garrett


Paulette Houle

Vice President:

Barry Turner


Dennis Belanger


Diane Tellier


Sarah Hall
Roberta Pawluk
Marlene Pelletier


Volunteer Opportunities

 If you would like to volunteer at the Musée Morinville Museum, please contact

Volunteer opportunities include the following:

School Programs
Special Events
Research Collection

Annual Report

To request a copy of the Musée Morinville Museum Annual Report, please contact the museum.


The Morinville Historical & Cultural Society works toward creating new partnerships and building on existing partnerships.  Present partnerships include:

The Town of Morinville has been an active, supportive partner in the renovation/ development project.  The town supports the museum financially.

The Morinville Art Club has partnered with the museum displaying local artwork.

Elementary Schools have partnered with the museum to create and promote school programs for Kindergarten to grade 5.


Musée Morinville Museum was a founding member of the cluster museum group called  “North Central Heritage Trail” which includes 12 surrounding museums:

Alberta Railway Museum
Canadian Tractor Museum (Westlock)
Centralta Tourism Society
Fort Heritage Precinct (Fort Saskatchewan)
Gibbons Museum
Michif Culture & Resource Institute
Musée Heritage Museum (St. Albert)
Musée Morinville Museum
Namao Museum
Onoway Museum
Redwater Museum & Visitor Centre
Westlock Pioneer Museum

Historical tableaux were placed in St. Jean Baptiste Park in conjunction with Société Touristique Centralta Tourism Society.

The Society is a member of the Kalyna Country Association.

The Alberta Museum Association has been supportive with training opportunities,  obtaining resources for recognized museum status and securing financial aid through grants.

The Morinville Public Library has supported and offered professional training opportunites.  As part of the library’s “2009 Local History at the Library Project” a link on their website was created with other links and resources to hightlight Morinville’s local history.